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Hawke Enterprising d.b.a.

by admin last modified Jul 18, 2024 02:31 PM
Welcome to the Hawke Robinson's Hawke Enterprising DBA website.

Hawke Robinson "Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming"



Download Hawke Robinson's Latest Resume

"Who has time, but of course if we don't take time, how can we ever have time?" --The Merovingian, The Matrix Reloaded.

I am usually very busy working on exciting projects that are helping improve the overall human condition. My schedule is very full, and rarely check social media, and I do not accept unscheduled phone calls (though I do check my voice mail). Email is the best form of communication.

If you would like to schedule a phone call or online meeting with Hawk Robinson, please use the link below:



I have chosen to take time on my many other projects (or employers), and so have not spent much time on this site over the years, so it is very much showing it's age. This is a utilitarian page, and it's not pretty, but hopefully you can easily find the information you seek. This is ancient Plone 4.x Enjoy! -Hawke - now switching to third-person voicing on the site...

A newer site, less technology focused and more healthcare focused, on Plone 5.x, can be found at


Photo: Hawke's home office during a typical day of high efficiency productivity!

Many of Hawke's computers busy at once, maximal multitasking.

Hawke Robinson is most well-known in healthcare, technology, education, professional development, and role-playing game (RPG) circles as “The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming.” His groundbreaking integration of therapeutic, educational, and professional development practices with gaming has made him a founding and key figure in this new and fast-growing field of Role-Playing Game Professional (RPGP) services. Additionally, Hawke is a skilled full and fractional Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Chief Innovation Officer (CINO), with more than 30 years of hands-on technology innovation experience, 20+ years leadership experience, and 45+ years RPG experience.

Adept at transforming business concepts into successful technological realities. His works in multiple industries and disciplines are often published as "W.A. Hawkes-Robinson".

With a talent for bridging the gap between business leaders and technologists, Hawke's career encompasses roles as a leader, mentor, educator, therapist, and public speaker. His expertise spans information technology, computer sciences, music and recreational therapy, neurosciences, research psychology, education, cognitive neuropsychology, role-playing games, neurotechnology, and physical and information security.

Hawke is known for his results-oriented approach, characterized by integrity, compassion, creativity, and energy. He excels in both executive leadership and hands-on execution, rapidly and effectively building organizations and technology solutions from the ground up.

Hawke's philosophy focuses on sharing knowledge openly for the betterment of the human condition.

Beyond his professional life in technology, education, and healthcare, Hawke is also a 20+ instrument musician and composer, an adventurer, advocate, community builder, and parent. He values privacy and security but shares personal insights to provide a fuller picture of the person behind his projects and communities.

An active advocate for accessibility, open source, privacy, and effective security measures, Hawke's height, formerly 6'9" and now 6'7", often becomes a point of opening "ice breaker" conversations.

A Washington State Department of Health Registered Recreational Therapist, Hawke's background covers a wide range of disciplines. His profile showcases a commitment to learning, innovation, and improving lives through technology, recreation, and gaming. Hawke is eager to connect with individuals and organizations for collaborative opportunities, and is available for paid consulting services across his areas of expertise.

If interested in paid engagement, please see the "Contact Us" page.





Psychology Today Verified Professional Service Provider

 RPG Therapeutics LLC is a Psychology Today Verified Professional Services Provider






Hawke Robinson has been online since 1979. He has been involved in a wide variety of community, entrepreneurial, consulting, hobbyist, and volunteer endeavors.

I am doing many things. I do not state this lightly. I mean many, many, many things. I have more then 260 active registered domains related to these many endeavors. My overall goal: do what I can in my brief existence to help improve the overall human condition.

Here is a tiny, little, smidgen, or a brief overview, of a few of those activities:


For more information, please feel free to contact Hawke:

  • Email: hawkenterprising at gmail dot com
  • Phone/fax: (833) RPG-PROS (774-7767)


Hawke Enterprising d.b.a. is a Washington state registered service offering through Dev 2 Dev Portal LLC a Delaware company.

Dev 2 Dev Portal LLC provided V.O.W. (Virtual Office & Workplace) services.


 Opensource and other notable projects using extensive opensource that I have been heavily involved with:


and countless others...






Each of my websites has contact information, but you can also see a summary here:

US Toll-free phone/fax: (833) RPG-INFO (774-4636)

General Email: hawkenterprising at gmail dot com

Skype: dev2devportal

Twitter for RPG Research 501(c)3:

Twitter for RPG Therapeutics LLC:

Twitter for Dev 2 Dev Portal LLC:

Twitter for music as Synthetic Zen dba:

Twitter for ASL updates:

Twitter for Tolkien related updates:

Twitter for Spokane 2600:



Recommendations /Testimonials
Mike Franz, Founder and CEO, ManufacturingPower
I have had the pleasure of working with Hawke and I am consistently impressed by his professionalism, dedication, and expertise.

As CTO, Hawke is responsible for overseeing all aspects of our company's technology infrastructure, including software development, system administration, and security. He has demonstrated a deep understanding of the latest technological trends and is always ahead of the curve when it comes to implementing new technologies and processes.

Hawke's ability to manage a team of technology professionals is remarkable. He is always approachable and available to his team, providing clear guidance and support to help them succeed in their roles. His leadership style is collaborative, encouraging open communication and transparency at all times.

One of the key strengths Hawke has brought to his role as CTO is his strategic thinking. He is able to identify opportunities for innovation and growth within the company and has been instrumental in developing and implementing successful technology strategies with a direct impact on the company's bottom line.

In summary, I have no hesitation in recommending Hawke.
Scott Heilman, COO, ManufacturingPower
Hawk is a complete pleasure to work with as CTO at ManufacturingPower, demonstrates exceptional leadership, technical expertise, and a passion for driving innovation. He possesses a deep understanding of the latest technological trends and advancements, and is able to effectively translate these into practical solutions that drive business results.

In addition to his advanced technical acumen, Hawk demonstrates an outstanding leadership. With the talent to inspire and motivate cross-functional teams to achieve their goals. Strong communication skills demonstrated daily with stakeholders, vendors, and other internal teams ensure that projects are delivered on time and on budget.

One of the things that I appreciated most about working with Hawk, is his tenacity to balance the need for innovation with the need for quality control. The ability to drive documentation, accountability, along with the persistence to do the right steps are spot on! He is able to effectively manage complex projects while maintaining a high level of attention to detail, and is able to adapt quickly to changing business needs.

Hawke has been an exceptional addition to our organization at ManufacturingPower, and I highly recommend him to tackle high level projects and roles that add instant value.

Scott Heilman
Hawke’s broad expertise, deep knowledge, security-first mindset, detailed documentation, and ability to stay abreast of current technology trends is remarkable. It's been fantastic working together -- Hawke’s work ethic is impeccable. He is a tremendous coach and mentor and was always the first person to offer help and support to his team. Hawke brings a unique skill set and breadth of experience that would benefit any organization. Overall, Hawke was truly a pleasure to work with and I have no qualms recommending him for senior technology leadership roles. Thanks, Hawke!
Anoop Datar, Project Manager | Scrum Master | Business Analyst
I had the pleasure of working with Hawke Robinson on a very challenging project. Apart from his diverse technical expertise, what amazed me was his level of meticulousness and thoroughness in solutioning. He leaves no stones unturned and got some great solutions to the table for our academic setting. His collaborative approach to working with the open-source community surely gives him an edge. I will be happy to work with him on another challenge if the opportunity presents itself. Hawke will be a great asset to any organization that hires him.




Hawke is one of the "very few CTOs who possesses not only the ability to execute complex technical tasks, but the high-level soft knowledge that maintains team cohesion, communication with non-technical partners, and essential support in investor pitch meetings" --Ben Dobyns, CEO, The Fantasy Network, and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment

[as CTO] Hawke was an outstanding leader with the highest level of integrity. He took a rag tag team of developers and built an amazing department through coaching and leading by example. Hawke is a perfect blend of business man meets technical maven. I would recommend Hawke to any company looking for a stand-up leader, with great people skills and a broad understanding of technology. --Brian Scardina. Directory, Application Security at TSYS. October 4th, 2008.


" unequivocable endorsement of Hawke Robinson’s skills as an experienced, world-class Chief Technology Officer." "... I credit our success to the enterprise-level knowledge, support, and experience that Mr. Robinson brought to our company. His ability to design well-documented, scalable solutions that meet new and emerging needs is a gift to whomever hires or contracts him." "There are very few CTOs who possess not only the ability to execute complex technical tasks, but the high-level “soft” knowledge that maintains team cohesion, communication with non-technical partners, and essential support in investor pitch meetings. Mr. Robinson is one of them." -- Ben Dobyns, COO The Fantasy Network and CEO Zombie Orpheus Entertainment.


I can unequivocally recommend Hawke Robinson as a person of high integrity and one of the very best technicians that I have ever worked with. I have worked with him on several teams and diverse projects and he has ALWAYS exceeded the expectations of the mission. His detailed knowledge and unyielding dedication make him an ideal choice for any effort on any team. One of the brightest and most dedicated individuals I have ever met, Hawke is a highly skilled technician as well as a uniquely talented individual. He demonstrates outstanding leadership abilities, an unparalleled work ethic and enjoys tremendous success in all efforts he undertakes. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, he is an extremely pleasant person to work around. I can recommend Hawke Robinson as a person and technician without reservation. -- Phillip Hillian, Data Systems Engineer, April 8th, 2011 -


Hawke is largely responsible for the developer I am today. While at MightyWords, he sort of took me under his wing and gave me the room to expand my knowledge and make a massive impact on the technical operations of the company while providing opportunity after opportunity to let me learn, grow and put my new-found knowledge to work. His knowledge is amazingly broad and deep and he is able to see the big picture for any project and get the right people in the right places at the right time to make it all come together. On a personal level, he is one of the most generous and friendly people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. This engendered a loyalty to him that I still haven't shaken. I consider him a natural leader for all of these reasons. --Rob Zazueta. Director of Digital Strategy at TIBCO Software Inc. August 29th, 2009.


"Hello! I was a counselor at the MDA 2017 Summer Camp and participated in both the Battle Royale and the Adventure Quest. All I can say is that you are AWESOME. My shy camper completely opened up for the
first time during the Battle Royale and had the best time. I know that it was his favorite activity from the camp! Plus, he loved that he got to decorate and keep his very own shield. Thank you for everything that
you do. I'm forever grateful to you! " 
--Emily Fejeran, Aug 08, 2017 11:10 AM. Muscular Dystrophy Association


"Hawke is a fantastic developer with strong security credentials". --Ben Dobyns, CEO, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment. September 4th, 2017.