2022/02 - 2022/07. Consultant and Advisory Board Member: Ethical Game Design Psychology and Content Design: Hero Trainer
Advisor: Game Design, Ethics, Game Psychology, Lore Building, Accessibility, and Technical Design (remote)
Hero Trainer Inc.
February 2022 – July 2022
Pleasanton, California, USA - www.herotrainer.io
Coming Soon.
Statistics, Roles, & Responsibilities
Hero Trainer 1.0 revolutionized exercise motivation through token economy fundamentals with the application release in early 2020. Provide a broader whole life balance approach, not just exercise, with full gamification, and expansion of options. Most features and technology under NDA. High-level technologies include:
Hero Trainer 1.0 revolutionized exercise motivation through token economy fundamentals with the application release in early 2020. Now working on 2.0 which provides a broader whole life balance approach, not just exercise, with full gamification, and expansion of options. Most features and technology currently under NDA. High-level technologies include:
iOS and Android Mobile application development
Blockchain and non-fungible tokens (NFT)
Bio, health, and fitness tracking built-in phone features and third party devices integration (Fitbit, Apple-watch, etc.)
Game Design Advisor for:
Game design psychology and ethical use of psychological motivators
Game design accessibility
Game design world and lore building
Game and infrastructure technical design