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2002/8 - 2003/01 - Devon Energy Corp

by Hawke Robinson published Sep 06, 2016 09:45 PM, last modified Nov 21, 2023 11:31 PM
Web resume of work experience for Devon Energy Corporation.

2002, August to 2003, January.
Systems Performance & Security Auditor, Analyst, and Consultant (contract, Dev 2 Dev Portal LLC client).
Devon Energy Corporation -
Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, & Canada
Supervisor: Stephen Taylor (last known location at Chesapeake Energy)

Devon Energy is a large USA-based energy and oil company. The project was titled “Data Services Division Performance Audit and Recommendations”.



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I gathered extensive data and performed in depth research on Solaris, Windows and related application servers to optimize systems for maximum performance, security, and reliability. Audited, researched, and produced recommendations on over 160 servers in three states and two countries. Testing and production environments were all included.


  • Solaris 6,7,& 8.
  • Windows NT Server
  • Windows 2000 Server
  • IIS web server
  • Apache web server
  • Brio
  • PEEP
  • Oracle 8 & 9
  • MS SQL Server 2000
  • LDAPIPlanet 5x