Resumes: http://hawkenterprising.com/resume
- As Senior Technical Lead for R&D for LearningMate.com worked on robust features for e-learning school online platform for daily around ~20,000 students, teachers, and parents K-12, and Zoom replacement.
- As CTO personally built from gound-up, entire Over-the-top subscription streaming movie platform for 1.0 through 3.0 of the TheFantasy.Network
- During COVID, extended TFN platform 4.x to support live conference to save conferences and conventions worldwide from cancellation, including WorldCon 78 Hugo Awards, GenCon Film Festival, and others. At peak supported 20,000+ concurrent simultaneous streaming interactive users in rooms, panels, tabletop online games, chat, streaming, and more. As CTO managed annual IT budgets over $10,000,000.
- As CTO we built platform that saved multiple conventions from cancellation by creating fully interactive online event experience (some with more than 20,000 participants during the 1 to 5 days events), so that the following conventions could continue: WorldCon 78 CoNZealand Hugo Awards New Zealand, GenCon Film Festival USA, Realm Makers, Technorama Australia, ZoeCon IV.
- Development Director of Brain-Computer Interface controlled ERPG (ongoing since August 2019).
- Over 25 years of physical and virtual security experience.
- IT & InfoSec consulting, audits, and systems administration for Fortune 100 & 500 listed companies networks, with over 10,000 employee users (and millions of website users).
- Corporate Systems & Components Architect for multinational infrastructure supporting over 4,000 employee users, and millions of Internet customer users, in over 50 countries.
- Built non-profit 501(c)3, 100% volunteer-run. Incorporated in 2017. 10 long-term volunteers in 2018. Over 120 long-term volunteers across 5 continents by 2020.
- Designed and personally built entire IT infrastructure and department staffing from scratch for multiple companies.
- Built and provided mission-critical infrastructure and services to county hospital, clinic, and related medical facilities.
- Directly supervised over 20 employees, supervised through hierarchy over 50 employees & contractors.
- Hired/contracted and managed multiple offshore teams in India and U.K.
- Personally built over 10,000 retail custom systems, supervised teams of technicians building more than 50,000 retail custom systems.
- Extensive experience with most technology platforms, audits, incident handling, pen-testing, policies, security training for employees, and other InfoSec aspects.
- Designed, staffed, trained, implemented, and transitioned multiple InfoSec corporate divisions from scratch, including “Red Teams”.
- Certified in 2002 as GCIH (GIAC Certified Incident Handler) through SANS Institute, my research still published on their website: https://www.sans.org/security-resources/malwarefaq/pptp-vpn
- Google Chrome OS / Chromebook developers cited my security research for key technology decisions regarding VPNs.
- Rebuilt “bulletproof” 2600 IRC in 2002.
- Working with technology systems since 1979.
Hawke Enterprising (dba) is a service offering by Dev 2 Dev Portal LLC - www.dev2devportal.com
Hawke has for many years been a very proactive advocate for security, both at the physical and "virtual" levels.
From 2004 through 2007 Hawke was the host of a radio (and Internet) broadcast show known as "Tech Talk With Hawke"
(Formerly part of The Synthetic Zen Show) focusing on technologies impacting privacy, security, and civil rights.
If you are interested in benefiting from dba Hawke Enterprising's knowledge, experience, and abilities, please feel free to make contact by any of the following means:
- Email: hawkenterprising at gmail dot com
- Request Form: Contact, Feedback, & Request Form
- Phone/fax: (833) RPG-PROS (774-7767)
Hawke's published dissertation/thesis/practicum on VPN technologies and Microsoft's VPN vulnerabilities, for the SANS Institute has been published as the definitive guide and FAQs answer for this topic at: http://www.sans.org/resources/malwarefaq/pptp-vpn.php.
If you simply perform a search on google for, pptp malware, the number one link (out of over 4,500 links), connects directly to this document (reformatted for the FAQs by the SANS Institute)
You can download the original document at: http://www.giac.org/paper/gcih/337/microsoft-pptp-vpn-vulnerabilities-exploits-action/103605
Hawke Robinson has an associates degree in Computer Science, as well as a number of certifications including:
(SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) (Global Information Assurance Certification) (GIAC Certified Incident Handler)
- MCP+I (Microsoft Certified Professional plus Internet)
- MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer)
- CNA (Certified Netware Administrator)
- SCSEp1 (Sun Certified Systems Administrator)
He currently resides in the Spokane, WA, USA area.
Hawke Robinson has extensive in-depth experience and training in a broad range of commercial and open source technologies, only a few of which include:
Open BSD
Mac OS X
Microsoft Windows
Silver Stream
Redhat Interchange
Sybase SQL
Information security technologies and methodologies
Franklin Covey Project Management
PMI (Project Management Institute)